Andhra Pradesh is Exploring New Lottery to Raise Funds
According to a report, Andhra Pradesh is exploring the creation of a new lottery to raise the necessary funds for a cash-strapped state. Ys Jaganmohan Reddy’s Andhra government is exploring a new way of raising revenue to deal with the impact of the coronovirus epidemic, which has seen a steep decline in the Goods and Services Tax (GST) paid in the last few months.
The state increased alcohol taxes by 75% during the lockdown, but the state is currently unable to meet its current liabilities.An unknown source said, the state needs revenue and it is being searched (lottery run).
The Andhra Pradesh government had earlier run a popular lottery but it was soon abolished due to protests. Women specifically complained that family income was being wasted on lottery tickets.
Lotteries are currently run in 13 states including Goa, Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh. And in Andhra Pradesh state-run lottery previously attracted only 12% GST, but from March 2020 a single rate for all lottery types was set at 28%.