Nostragamus Included Poker in its Growing Portfolio of Games
The mobile gaming industry has seen huge growth due to the COVID-19 lockdown and this is why Nostragamus has added poker to its growing portfolio of games. The booming fantasy sports arena has been completely closed by the almost total absence of live play during the coronovirus epidemic, and Takalapalli said online poker is one of the driving reasons in going live.
With so much competition in the Indian online poker platform Nostra can make poker players stand out, players on Nostra Pro can expect great entertainment not only in poker, but through different types of gaming. You can expect low rakes, great offers, friendly KYC and withdrawal policies and excellent customer service. “Your money is safe with us, and you can play comfortably knowing that. You can also expect a table of your purchase limit to be available at all times. We are young in the poker industry, but we are already the best in terms of availability of tables. ”
Nostragamus ‘India’s favorite multi-sports fantasy app’ and boasts over 5 million users. Even if only a small percentage of that number were converted to real money poker, the profit would be much greater.